Lessons Learnt From Selling Diamonds In Tel Aviv

Some of you may know that before being a full time yoga teacher and life coach, I was working as a sales representative in a diamond shop in Israel. 

For one year and a half, I was selling diamonds in the day time and teaching yoga in the evening.

I was feeling miserable in this job, misaligned and constantly angry and sad. I was also physically exhausted.

I was not living my truth and was living in fear.

Fear of letting go of what was familiar. A job that provided stability, health insurance, regular income.

A hundred time I thought to quit, but could never find the courage. 

One day, after a yet another stormy argument with my boss, I left work and took a break for three days. 

I felt so good and alive during those three days that I decided not to go back.

It was finally time to let go and trust whatever was coming.

A few days after I made my decision, a series of opportunities occurred, allowing me to accomplish my dream : being freelance full time yoga teacher.   

  • I got offered to give private lessons 5 times a week on the long run (see pic below)

  • I got offered a position as yoga instructor at Google Office  

  • My ex-boss offered to me keep working for them on my own terms : I increased my hourly rate from 8 to 50 euros and would work for them only when I had free time

When looking back, this experience has taught me some of the richest lessons in my life, which I still apply in many areas of my life :

  1. Knowing my worth and not settling for anything less. The people who are meant to work / be with you will align to where you set your worth at and not the other way around 

  2. Knowing I could have never get what I wanted by NOT taking the risk to fail.

  3. Letting go of what didn't serve me to create space to call in what I truly desired

  4. Knowing that when I started to align my inner world (thought, words, actions)everything around me started to align  

  5. Trusting myself and the process


What I've done for myself is now what I do in my work. I want to help YOU realize you have the power to create your life on your OWN TERMS.

Let me know in the comments if my words resonate with you.

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