I’ll teach you how to prevent injuries and overcome disease and pain.
Together, we’ll design therapeutic sequences specifically adapted to your needs and conditions whether it’s back, knee, shoulder and hip injuries, sciatica, disc issues, sacroiliac joint dysfunction etc. so that you can practice safely and know ways to adapt postures to your unique body and conditions.
You’ll learn simple therapeutic techniques to relieve pressure and pain.
This powerfully effective form of yoga stimulates the immune, nervous, and glandular systems, helping to bring you back into a deep state of balance.
Kundalini yoga utilizes movement, sound, breath, and meditation in synergy to be even reach deeper part of ourselves that are usually difficult to access, those expanded states of awareness we can reach when we’re under transe or with the help of medicinal plants.
I offer program to familiarize newcomers with all the essentials of a Kundalini class, including breathwork, bandhas (energetic locks), and mantra chanting, meditation and dynamic kriyas (sequence of movements) to build balance, strength, resilience on the physical, mental, energy, emotional, spiritual level.
Fascia (connective tissues) is a sheet of webbed tissue, made up of mostly collagen, located beneath your skin that attaches and encloses your muscles and other internal organs. It literally holds your entire body together. It helps your body move with ease while connecting your organs to your ribs to your muscles and all your bones to each other.
I’ll teach you how to use simple, at-home techniques designed to target commonly tight areas of the body and reduce soreness and fatigue.
We use props such as therapy or tennis balls and blocks to apply therapeutic pressure to the muscles and fascia of the body, helping to restore their natural strength and mobility.
The essence of Yin Yoga is to surrender. Often overlooked, yin yoga is yet a necessary practice that helps us to find balance in our active life. It targets the soft tissues of the body, the ligaments, fascia network and even the bones, helping us to regain space, dissolve tightness in the tissues and strengthen our joints.
Due to the long duration of pose, the practice can be mentally and physically challenging but is always deeply relaxing and restorative.
Poses are practiced on the floor and are held for a longer period of time in order to lengthen the connective tissue that surrounds the joints and increase its elasticity.
A yin yoga practice often includes several long and passive postures with a few props to release tension, encourage circulation and calms the nervous system.
Prenatal yoga is designed to support moms-to-be on their individual pregnancy journeys, from conception all the way to birth.
I’ll support you navigate this time with classes designed to meet your day to day changing physical and emotional needs, while addressing any unexpected challenges that might arise.
From uplifting movement practices and back care, to meditations to connect with your baby, you'll find a full spectrum of support tools adapted to meet you exactly where you are in your journey, throughout the different semesters.
We’ll aim to ease common discomforts and imbalances that can occur in your back or your hips, so you’re better able to enjoy this precious time.
You’ll move up the spine, hips, using movement, breath, and self-massage to gently release tension and tightness.
Postnatal yoga is designed to support postpartum recovery and the transition into motherhood
Your body has just done some incredible things.
Let's treat it with the reverence it deserves while working to rebuild strength.
I’ll help you slowly get back into movement, reconnect with your pelvic floor muscles and tap into your core strength. We’ll adapt the practice to be done while nursing or putting your baby to sleep.
We’ll address the physical and emotional challenges you may face, from lack of sleep and heightened sensitivity to celebrating your body's journey.

Learn massage, acupressure, stretching and breathing techniques for the face, neck and shoulders.
Face yoga relaxes overworked muscles to reduce wrinkles and awakens sleeping muscles to lift and stimulate the skin.
It's natural technique that can help prevent and slow down the appearance of signs of aging when practiced regularly.
In addition, the practice will help you regulate your stress and anxiety.
You can practice most exercises anytime and anywhere.
If you’re ready for a pose-free way to slow down and recover from the stressors in your life, yoga nidra is a powerful tool.
While you rests comfortably in a lied down position, I take you through a state between awake and sleep.
A 30-minute session can leave you feeling like you a peaceful three-hour nap.
In a yoga nidra session, you’ll go to the delta wave state, a deep healing state where your cells regenerate and repair, the nervous system relaxation response is activated, your glandular and endocrine system can regulate.
I personally, have been using yoga nidra for years to regulate my emotional state when feeling overwhelmed, agitated or when I can’t fall asleep at night or wake up in the middle of the night.

The various styles of yoga presented above represent the physical aspect of yoga, they are only the "top of the iceberg", the most accessible part of yoga.
The system of physical poses - asanas in India, like the martial arts in China has been designed to reach a deeper purpose, beyond that of a physical one. Once the external envelope of our body is steady and relaxed, our mind is ready to reach a place of stillness, steadiness and inner peace.
When we meditate, we expand our level our awareness, we become more conscious on the mat but also outside the mat, in our every day life.
There are various technics of meditations I can guide you through such as yoga nidra, breath focus exercices, visualization, mantras chanting to find what suits you and your objectives.
I share in my blogpost some tips about how to start meditation.
Studio Naim Tel Aviv
Google Tel Aviv, Paris
Cercle Interalliés Paris
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Yay Yoga Paris
WeWork Hong Kong
Repulse Bay Club Hong Kong
Vegan Cruise (Portugal)
Publica City Club, Isrotel (Hertzelia)
Wonderland Healing Center (Koh Phan Gan, Thailand)