About me
Upon graduation from a Business School, I left Paris to settle in Hong Kong to work in a company in a sales & marketing role.
I had a very comfortable life. A good job, a good salary, friends, an apartment in the hippest neighborhoods in Hong Kong.
On paper everything seemed fine.
But after a few years, I was waking up with deep feelings of frustration, disempowerment and lack of meaning.
I felt I was missing out of life.
I felt I was looking my life passing by, not taking responsibility for my dreams and desires for a different life.
I realized I couldn’t keep lying to myself and waking up every day living a meaningless and unfulfilled life.
I started practicing yoga around this time.
The practice has allowed me to regain my health, a strong physical body.
Above everything, yoga has show me that unless I'd step out of my comfort zone, I'd never create the life I wanted.
Fast forward a few years, I gained the confidence to quit my job, my apartment, my comfortable life in Hong Kong.
I traveled to India for a one-year journey, where I got certified as a yoga teacher. Life then brought me to Israel, where I hit my goal to become a successful full-time yoga teacher (here to read my entire story).
From Yoga to Life Coaching
During my journey, I became passionate about helping others on a more holistic level, which led me to study at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) and become a certified Life Coach.
In my coaching practice, I support my clients overcome their fears and limitations and start creating the life they want to live.
I help them :
Get clear around their needs, wants, what nourish them on a deep level, redefining their passions and purpose, by tapping not only in their rational mind but also the wisdom of their body and what’s underneath the surface of their conscious level
Broaden their perspectives, not being afraid of seeing BIG and wanting something diametrically different than their current reality and lifestyle
Defining their short and long term goals, setting a direction and a step-by-step actionable plan
Build or rebuild confidence in themselves to start something new and overcome their deepest fears and limiting beliefs
What my clients say