rose chen

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Tips to Start Creating Your Dream Life

If someone had told me that one day I'd not only be able to do this pose you see on the pic but that I'd be a yoga instructor as well, I'd have laughed.

If someone had told me that one day I'd be able to work from anywhere in the world, whenever I want, however I want, I'd have laughed too.

Yoga and life have show me that the first step toward my dreams was to believe it's possible.

When I work with my clients, I often guide them through the powerful exercise to visualize their ideal life.

Some of them just can't. Some describe it in a way that's very close to their current life.

And it's normal.

Your brain is designed to keep you safe, in the comfort zone of what's familiar to you.

So if you ask it to imagine something very different and far from what you know, chances it will resist are high.

The problem is that whatever you can't visualize, whatever you don't believe is possible simply won't happen.

The more you can get your mind to be familiar with your dreams, the more it will feel safe and will want to go there.

Your brain basically doesn't know the difference between your thoughts and your physical reality. This is where manifestation starts.

Manifesting is the process of bringing the things you want into your life by shifting your mindset into becoming a "creator" of your life vs a passive witness.

So how to manifest, step by step ?

💫 Know with clarity what you want vs what you don't want. If you absolutely know what you don't want, think about what'd be the opposite of it.

💫 Express it. Write it down in a journal or said it out loud and record yourself. The more details, the better. Commit to consistency, rather than simply thinking about it from time to time.

💫 Visualize your future self. For example, ask yourself: how your future self would wake up ? How their day would look like? Where would they live ? With who ?

💫 Take small but consistent actions to show your brain you're willing to show up. It can start with even setting an intention to drink a glass of water every morning or to meditate for 5 minute every day.

💫 Feel gratitude : see the big or small things that happen during the day and have gratitude by saying thank you out loud or write them down. Gratitude has a frequency that attracts more of the same.
Plus you'll be teaching you brain to focus on what you want to see vs what you don't want.

Do you resonate with my words ?
Do you wish to explore deeper about your full potential ?
Still feeling afraid ? Not sure how ?

I invite you to apply for a coaching session with me to get more clarity.